Keep Safe: how to track a virus on Google

Slogging away at a clinic picking up new cases here and there sipping in a stream of virus, ain’t no way to fight a pandemic. So in order to do our part against the ‘Corona’ we need virologists, epidemiologists and programmers to do the really important work. My good friend Shahzad Khan Cambridge University grad and programmer has hammered away at the data and put it all together to come up with a cunning virus tracker designed especially for Covid-19. His mapping component tracks the severity of disease symptoms worldwide while my testing component helps individuals to decide on a possible course of action against the infection.

Thank you to Stephen Korsman from the Division of Virology at the University of Cape Town for their guidance on implementing this software in South Africa.

As a disclaimer, I have no vested financial interests in this software, we just want the to get used as quickly as possible as an adjunct to PCR testing. If you want to build it yourself it will take 3 days with a good team – I will give you the algorithm, otherwise why not run it off our server?

Secondly, there is no replacement for a direct medical consultation, in view of the extent of the overwhelming demand upon medical services, I have added a chat to the doctor link below for any medical related enquiries.

To use the Coronavirus Home test click here

Google mapping of Coronavirus symptoms here

To see the 10 Coronavirus Safety Rules click here

To see the Coronavirus Response blog click here

In the meantime, I will share with you a phrase I have heard a few times this week from our patients in the clinic “Keep safe.”