Author: admin

Croup: a cough to build a dream on

Few infections strike toddlers (2-4 year olds) quite like croup. It’s usually past midnight on a misty December night, temperatures outside a few degrees above average and it suddenlyΒ begins. A startling cough, rich as a quail calling from the underbrush in East Africa “Xiiq” and Middle East “cough adeekee” the cock’sΒ cough a reference to its.

Subalternity: an exercise from within

It is never too late to learn something about yourself. Well now is the time for subalternity. A chance to flip a coin, a time to give voice to the ‘other’ within yourself, a moment of inner reflection. You may have till now considered yourself white or black; male or female; flippant or serious; young.

Dogs, the bottom line

Snarling, growling, drooling saliva and yanking at her chain I’m sure she wanted to get her jaws around my throat and tear me apart like a rag doll. Streptococci, staphylococci, pasteurella and stuff I can never spell like capnocytophagia canimorsus that mutt is a living chemical weapons factory. Man’s best friend? I say run! If.

In with the flu

Unless I just missed 2 consecutive cases of dengue fever it’s flu season again. Β In case you’re wondering, this is the time of year we try to convince ourselves that injecting globules of live attenuated virus into the deltoid is going to be a good thing. By the way, if you know someone with the.

One day we could all be NFA

  There has to be a better way. With over 5 million people using homeless shelters in North America and 1.5 million of them children, what can be done to achieve a better standard of care and living for all? You won’t be able to watch this video without crying trust me.Β It is clear that.


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