Author: admin

The App will see you now

Okay why not run a Google search for “apps for depression”? I can assure you, you will get more than 1 million hits. This is just a part ofΒ the current medical trend towards drug-only therapy for depression whichΒ isΒ un-coupling therapists from their patients. How has this happened? A super-complex disorder, depression affects over a third of.


“Thanksgiving is an emotional time. People travel long distances to see family they only see once a year-only to discover that once a year is too often” – graffiti outside an Ottawa pub What a beautiful week we’ve had. The leaves are turning to gold and the nights are cool. The last of the colds.

Raising Cane

Children are increasing in size, generation by generation, and this change is not without problems. Rapid growth raises concerns for joints pains, dental decay and malalignment, underactivity and early onset diabetes. Our government has proven itself unfailingly inept at reining in food retailers and restaurant chains selling high-sugar, low fibre processed foods. Schools continue to.

Zika Virus in Ottawa

Several cases of Zika virus have come through the clinic this month. All were contracted during Caribbean holidays and caused by mosquito Β bites, at least that’s what they told me! Symptoms usually appear in 3–12 days, with fever, joint and muscle pain, skin rash, conjunctivitis and headache. These symptoms generally resolve within 2–7 days; they.

This week in Ottawa

Fall is finally upon us and with it a round of colds mostly viral and self limiting but there is a very uncomfortable retching cough lasting up to 3 weeks which might need more detailed care. I’m suspecting pertussis may be the cause and I’ve been in contact with public health. There is no official.


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