Tag: travel medicine

Croup: a cough to build a dream on

Few infections strike toddlers (2-4 year olds) quite like croup. It’s usually past midnight on a misty December night, temperatures outside a few degrees above average and it suddenlyΒ begins. A startling cough, rich as a quail calling from the underbrush in East Africa “Xiiq” and Middle East “cough adeekee” the cock’sΒ cough a reference to its.

Dogs, the bottom line

Snarling, growling, drooling saliva and yanking at her chain I’m sure she wanted to get her jaws around my throat and tear me apart like a rag doll. Streptococci, staphylococci, pasteurella and stuff I can never spell like capnocytophagia canimorsus that mutt is a living chemical weapons factory. Man’s best friend? I say run! If.

In with the flu

Unless I just missed 2 consecutive cases of dengue fever it’s flu season again. Β In case you’re wondering, this is the time of year we try to convince ourselves that injecting globules of live attenuated virus into the deltoid is going to be a good thing. By the way, if you know someone with the.


“Thanksgiving is an emotional time. People travel long distances to see family they only see once a year-only to discover that once a year is too often” – graffiti outside an Ottawa pub What a beautiful week we’ve had. The leaves are turning to gold and the nights are cool. The last of the colds.

Zika Virus in Ottawa

Several cases of Zika virus have come through the clinic this month. All were contracted during Caribbean holidays and caused by mosquito Β bites, at least that’s what they told me! Symptoms usually appear in 3–12 days, with fever, joint and muscle pain, skin rash, conjunctivitis and headache. These symptoms generally resolve within 2–7 days; they.


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