African Medicine Quiz


#1. What medical advance out of Africa has resulted in the global population explosion ? First practised in ancient Egypt, this practise was brought to North America by African slaves

Smallpox immunization was introducedΒ into England and the USA in the 18th century after doctorsΒ observedΒ the success of immunization in Africa and Turkey.

#2. Why do immigrants from Africa hardly ever need spectacles ? Vitamin D is the key

Ample sun exposure in childhood prevents against myopia and therefore people from rural locationsΒ and warmer climates wear less glasses

#3. What is the most dangerous animal in Africa

Thanks to the mosquito, there are over 500 million new cases of malaria and 1 million deaths each year in Africa

#4. Acupuncture was discovered in Africa

Sub Saharan African doctors used needles to cure pain over 500 years before it was first used in China.

#5. Where was the first successful heart transplant performed?

The first heart transplant was performed by Dr. Christian BarnardΒ in Cape Town, South Africa in 1963. History was made but the patient survived only eight hours. Today, ethical constraints would have prevented him from carrying out the procedure.

#6. Rooibos (red bush) tea attributes its healing qualities.

Rooibos tea was used by Khoisan bushmen to maintain health and healing from disease. It has high levels of vitamin C. It grows only in a very small biozoneΒ of South Africa and like its founders is threatened with extinction.

#7. In which year were African people first granted health insurance, pensions and sick leave?

Thanks to the government welfare institutions of the 19th Dynasty known as the Houses of Life, Ancient Egyptians were entitled toΒ the benefits of sick leave, pensions and health insurance.
